- tel : 0086-020-34704480
- Eメール : asia-inflatables@vip.163.com
- 連絡窓口 : Grace
- 住所 : Room 55-57, 3F,1 St,Lingnan E-Commerce Industrial Park, Luopu Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou, China
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What's the difference between a water bouncer and water trampoline?
Water trampolines and water bouncers have the same function – to bounce and jump on the water, however, they differ in terms of performance and construction.
Water Trampolines
A water trampoline is a trampoline designed to be used on the water. Like land trampolines, water trampolines have springs attached to a jumping pad and an inflatable outer tube and offer great bounce. Water trampolines are usually much larger than water bouncers and provide a higher quality bounce.
Being larger than a water bouncer, water trampolines can support more weight than water bouncers, so they are ideal for supporting groups of people. They do, however, take longer to assemble than water bouncers.
Water Bouncers
A water bouncer has a slightly different construction to a water trampoline in that a series of webbing connects the jump mat to the inflatable outer tube instead of springs. The webbing can’t support as much weight as a trampoline and doesn’t allow for as high of a bounce as a trampoline. They are very easy to assemble and are ideal for a few small kids or teens.
Water Trampoline vs Water Bouncer
So in terms of construction, the significant difference is that a water trampoline has springs and a water bouncer does not have springs. Although both products provide great fun on the water, the water trampoline provides more bounce than a bouncer and behaves more like a land-based trampoline.
Water trampolines can support more weight than water bouncers.